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Chi siamo

In Digital Attitude crediamo che ogni cambiamento e adozione tecnologica
sia un percorso affascinante da vivere passo dopo passo rendendolo
semplice e sostenibile nel tempo.

Le Abitudini

sono le piccole decisioni che prendiamo e le azioni che compiamo ogni singolo giorno.  
Quando impariamo a cambiare le nostre abitudini, possiamo trasformare la nostra vita e la nostra azienda.

Nudge tech: una voce gentile

Per le tue abitudini digitali abbiamo creato hi, Habit-Inspiring Platform una piattaforma per comunicare in modo smart, contestuale e personalizzato con ogni persona promuovendo un cambiamento sostenibile e nuovi modi di lavorare nelle organizzazioni.

Dicono di noi

L’adozione di soluzioni digitali può aumentare il livello di engagement delle persone rispetto a metodi di formazione tradizionale

“Go Beyond Conventional Training to Drive Digital Workplace Adoption" - Published 23 March 2020

hi e Digital Attitude sono state nominate da Gartner nell’Hype Cycle per le soluzioni di Digital Adoption

“Hype Cycle for the Digital Workplace, 2020” – Published 17 July 2020

Grazie ad hi, è possibile ridurre le resistenze legate all’uso della tecnologia, permettendo a tutti di prendere confidenza con i nuovi Digital Workplace

“Come i partner Microsoft possono aiutarti ad abilitare il lavoro da remoto del tuo team” – Published 8 July 2020

Aggiungere una nuova tecnologia nella  tua organizzazione può non essere sufficiente. Non ci si può dimenticare di  valorizzare gli aspetti culturali e organizzativi, altrimenti il risultato sarà un costoso fiasco!

“Tecnologia, strategia e cultura: la sfida dell’adoption in azienda” - Published 2 July 2018

Aggiungere una nuova tecnologia nella  tua organizzazione può non essere sufficiente. Non ci si può dimenticare di  valorizzare gli aspetti culturali e organizzativi, altrimenti il risultato sarà un costoso fiasco!

“Tecnologia, strategia e cultura: la sfida dell’adoption in azienda” - Published 2 July 2018

We are Datters*!

**Dàt·ter [nome] da “DATT”, una abbreviazione di Digital ATTitude.
Una persona che crede fermamente nella tecnologia e nelle capacitĂ  di ognuno di cambiare.
I datters aiutano gli altri a cambiare le proprie abitudini attraverso l’empatia,
la curiosità e l’innovazione.

Sinonimi: geek, sognatori, avventurieri, esploratori di nuovi mondi.

Luca Argenton


"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail"

A life lesson taught me by Sandro Gamba, a basketball Hall of Famer, one of the greatest coaches of all time. Success is a matter of hard-working, mindset, and empathy.




Davide Cazzaniga

Head of Product

"Wake up determined, go to bed satisfied"

Starting the day with a clear goal helps focusing your energy on what you care most, reaching it and being proud of it at the end of the day.



Head of Product

Sezin Bildirgen

Head of Marketing & Sales

"Either grant me the bliss of the ignorant or give me the strength to bear the knowledge"

For me this quote by Elif Shafak resonates with the fast-changing and complex world in which we live in. The constant learning and evolving cognizance lead to a meaningful life on both personal and professional levels.



Head of Marketing & Sales

Stefania Nervi

Head of ACM

"Where there's a will, there's a way"

I see this as a sort of value shared within my family, and I very much agree that if there's a will, one will find a way to achieve it. Not alone, of course: your friends, family and team also play a huge role.



Head of ACM

Silvia Favaro

Experience Director

"Se non hai dato tutto non hai dato ancor" (Vinicio Capossela)



Experience Director

Mattia Placanica

Creative Director

"The first step won't take you where you want to go, but it will take you away from where you are now." [Jodorowsky]

If you want to change something, start changing it, if you want to go somewhere, start walking. Life is 99% improvisation along the road.



Creative Director

Cristina Diminutto

Head of Administration

"Changing the order of factors does not change the result"

To me, it’s not just a foundation of mathematics. It’s a principle to follow: if you want to make a change, you can’t just move the “problem” from one part to another. To reach the solution and achieve the desired result, you have to work looking for a different formula.



Head of Administration

Davide Pellegatta

Senior PM

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

From “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”. I often recalled this quote when I was in trouble for various reasons, and it guided me to have a wider view of the situation.



Senior PM

Teresio Maffè

Administration Assistant

"Unity is strength"

Working together helps find solutions to every problem. As a group, you can overcome all difficulties and achieve the most difficult goals.



Administration Assistant

Andrea Carmo

Business Development Manager

"There are no such things as bad plants or bad men. There are only bad cultivators"

I learned the quote from "Les Miserables", but it's generally attributed to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It's a good inspiration for me both in personal life and at work, because it focus on the personal responsibility



Business Development Manager

Veronica Franco

Digital Marketing Specialist

"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world"

Since I was a little one, this quote from my favourite childhood book “Matilda” by Roald Dahl, encouraged me to discover my inner power and reminds me that we all have the potential, intelligence and drive to change the world.



Digital Marketing Specialist

Fatima Otegen

Junior Behavioral Data Analyst

"There is always a way - if you are committed"

Commitment isn’t easy, but when you stay committed it has the ability to help you achieve goals you may have only once dreamed of.



Junior Behavioral Data Analyst

Olga Melnyk

Product Data Analyst

"Cerca Trova"

My role as a Data Analyst is driven by a simple, yet profound principle: Seek and you shall find. This is the core of my work ethos and my passion—every data set is a new adventure, and I revel in the quest for insights



Product Data Analyst

Marjorie Nornoo

Adoption & Change Management Consultant

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it"

Success will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.



Adoption & Change Management Consultant

Eleonora Bianchin

Adoption & Change Management Consultant

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us"

This quote from Tolkien inspires me to be brave, to not waste time and to embrace changes, even the scary ones.



Adoption & Change Management Consultant

Francesca Vinci

Adoption & Change Management Consultant

"Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships"

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You have to learn to work with other people in order to achieve greater things in your life.



Adoption & Change Management Consultant

Andrea Pravato

Fullstack Engineering Manager

"Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end"

There are opportunities in challenges. With focus, practice and grit many complex situations can turn simple. The growth process is something to enjoy.



Fullstack Engineering Manager

Matteo Marco Vailati

Cloud Infrastructure Manager

"Dream big, design fast"

I'm Cloud Infrastructure Manager. I am responsible for the design, implementation, maintenance and renewal of different elements, such as, Cloud infrastructure, DevOps processes, Cybersecurity topics and IT services.

Matteo Marco


Cloud Infrastructure Manager

Ozgur Aksay

Fullstack Developer

"Step out of comfort zones, fuel passion and code with purpose"

As a fullstack developer, my dedication lies in continuous learning and approaching complex problems from various angles. Through purposeful coding, I aim to power innovation and make meaningful contributions in the tech landscape.



Fullstack Developer

Marco Hazan

Cloud Engineer

"The More You Know The More You Realize You Don't Know"

Born as a software developer, i have become very appasionate about building system architectures and seeing automated systems communicate to each other to reach a common goal.



Cloud Engineer

Pier Paolo Lisarelli

Training Specialist

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

I believe the essence of learning lies in its ability to enhance our creativity in crafting innovative solutions, where we once perceived insurmountable challenges.

Pier Paolo


Training Specialist

Lara Abbondi

Creative Consultant

“Quelli che ballavano erano visti come pazzi da quelli che non sentivano la musica” Friedrich Nietzche

Life is a dance of creativity and freedom of expression. I embrace the art of visual communication to explore, connect and share emotions through my work. An invitation to dance with life, to feel the melody of one's being.



Creative Consultant

Andrea Mattioli

Senior Project Manager & AI trainer

"knowledge sets us free"

At home I find the anchor of things, at work I try to impart wisdom between innovation and creativity, in my free time I try to learn to be better than the day before by looking for people who can tell me interesting stories.



Senior Project Manager & AI trainer

Alberto Lattanzio

Senior Trainer

"Never stop improving"

My curiosity always pushes me to discover new techniques and methods to make every workout unique and fun. I am nice and I always put myself in the shoes of others to better understand their needs and help them achieve their goals.



Senior Trainer

Matilde Brizzi

Adoption Consultant

"Learning means never stopping asking the most ordinary questions."

I believe and hope that practicing Design means crafting bridges: between different vocabularies, needs and experiences.



Adoption Consultant

Santiago Bernal

Innovation and Adoption Consultant

"Try and fail but don't fail to try"

I am passionate about innovation and always attempt to internalize and apply its principles. I try to think holistically, be creative, empathize, take action, and be in a permanent learning mode.



Innovation and Adoption Consultant

Clara Attene

Senior Trainer & Consultant

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood"

I deliver training and advisory about how to use digital tools, always bearing in mind that "computers are stupid machines that need smart people to work at their best".



Senior Trainer & Consultant

Stefano Bellini

Senior Trainer & Consultant

"Lending a hand colors life"

share our knowledge and be willing to lend a hand - both in life and workspace - helps improving the world



Senior Trainer & Consultant

I pilastri del nostro manifesto
come SocietĂ  Benefit

Lead to listen and listen to lead
Example is the only form of influence
The best way to understand is to do
Great flexibility leads to great impact
There is no failure, only feedback
  Think big, act now

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