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Dec 16, 2019

They say Digital Attitude got… to the TOP!

Guess what? 

In Digital Attitude, we won the Top of PID Award 2019 addressed by Unioncamere to those companies who made Innovation their mission in the 4.0 Industry Era.

Our company made its way to the podium’s highest step for the category “New 4.0 Business Models”.

Thanks to the collaboration with CAMCOM – Camera di Commercio di Milano – Monza – Brianza – Lodi, we’ve been honored to tell the world about hi, our habit-inspiring platform.

hi integrates a psychological perspective with a change management-based know-how. She’s meant to provide users with contextual, customized, and just-in-time programs to help them build and maintain new habits. Last but not least, hi facilitates the adoption of new technologies nudging people to embrace new ways of working in their organizations.

With Top of the PID, Unioncamere wanted to award Italian companies actively concretizing 4.0 Innovation projects. 

This award is addressed to those organizations that used PID services in the past. 

As award finalists and winners, Unioncamere gave us the chance to spread our know-how to the annual European exhibition “Maker Faire” based in Rome. The exhibition focus was, indeed, on innovation!

It meant a huge opportunity to strengthen our network and explore new inspiring frontiers such as technology, sustainability, and next-gen entrepreneurship. 

What a journey… we feel proud and grateful!

25 ottobre 2022 | Evento HR & Data

I dati a servizio degli HR sono uno strumento potente, saperli leggere, unire ed interpretare rende il loro impatto esponenziale.

Il 25 Ottobre ti aspettiamo per un incontro nella sede di Digital Attitude a Milano in cui, grazie alle testimonianze aziendali e al confronto su casi pratici, potrai tornare nella tua azienda con evidenze e strumenti nuovi con cui lavorare.

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